Causal inference

Quantitative Analysis in Political Science II (Linear models) 

Quantitative Analysis in Political Science III (MLE)


International organizations

International political economy


I will write students a letter of recommendation for graduate or law school if they received an A- or better on every written assignment they completed in one or more of my courses. I strongly recommend that students seek letters from the courses where they performed the best, and from professors they know the best. So, if you received an A- as your final grade in any of my classes, then I should not be your first choice since my letter will not be as strong. In rare situations, I will write letters for students who receive B+ or lower in one of my courses as long as I personally know the student and feel comfortable vouching for their ability to succeed in graduate school. 

If I agree to write for you, please send me the following:

Information about the Program(s)

Information about You

Note: you must waive your right to view any letter that I write for you. This is in your interest. If you do not waive your right to view your recommendation letter(s), they will likely carry less weight with admissions committees. Moreover, I will not agree to write you a letter unless it is favorable to your application.