"Rewriting Precedent: How International Adjudicators Influence Compliance" with Jeff Kucik and Sergio Puig. 2024. Accepted at the Michigan Journal of International Law. 

​"Legalization and Compliance: How Judicial Activity Undercuts the Global Trade Regime" with Jeff Kucik and Sergio Puig. 2023. British Journal of Political Science 53(1): 221--238 (appendix; replication).​​

​Delivering on Promises: The Domestic Politics of Compliance in International Courts.  2022. University of Chicago Press.

"Local Labor Markets and Party Elite: Crafting Trade Policy in the United States House of Representatives" with Adrienne Hosek. 2022. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 17(4): 451--489 (appendix; replication).

"Enduring the Great Recession: Economic Integration in the European Union" with Thomas Flaherty, Ron Rogowski, and Ryan Weldzius. 2022. Review of International Organizations 17(1): 175--203 (appendix; replication).

"How do Third Parties Affect Compliance in the Trade Regime?" with Jeff Kucik. 2021. Journal of Politics 83(3): 1184-1189 (appendix; replication).

"When are International Institutions Effective? The Impact of Domestic Veto Players on Compliance with WTO Rulings" 2020. International Studies Quarterly  64(1): 220-234​ (appendix; replication).

"Obstructing Integration: The European Court of Justice and the Domestic Politics of Compliance" 2018. European Union Politics  19(3): 427-257 (appendix; replication).

"The Design of Trade Agreements" with Leslie Johns. 2015. In the Oxford Handbook of the Politics of International Trade, Lisa Martin, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


"Industry Demands for Environmental Policy: Lobbying, Campaign Contributions, and Votes in U.S. Congress" with RyuGyung Park. 

"Do Preferential Trade Agreements Increase Trade? Evidence from a Network Analysis." 

“A Machine Learning Approach to Classifying Legislation in U.S. Congress: Moving the Needle on Trade and Immigration” with Adrienne Hosek.

"The European Court of Justice as Political Cover: National Decisions on Referrals" with Leslie Johns.